La Tierra Curativa.
Actualmente muchos terapeutas sugieren que hay un centro de energía en el campo aúrico humano, la energía matriz que rodea el cuerpo humano que conecta directamente con la tierra, de color marrón oscuro.
Si estas de pie en el suelo, se considera que este centro de energía esta a unos 30 centímetros bajo tus pies. Si la visualizas y espiras profundamente, puedes enviar cualquier sentimiento de negatividad, ansiedad o estrés, hacia la tierra a través de este centro, y al inspirar profundamente puedes atraer la fuerza de la tierra hacia tu interior.
Las piedras de color marrón y los cristales de tonos marrones se ven generalmente como arraigadores, conectando con la tierra, así como potentes limpiadores y protectores de nuestro entorno. Son útiles para llevarlos contigo o puestos como joyas si eres el tipo de persona que vive mas (en tu cabeza) que (en tu cuerpo) correteando con la sensación de sentirte empujado en todas las direcciones. Las energías tranquilizantes y arraigadoras de las piedras marrones te devolverá un sentido mas firme del yo.
Ejemplos: Jasper Marrón, Madera Petrificada, Cuarzo Ahumado,etc.
Jennie Harding
Brown Range Stones.
The idea of brown may seem dull at first, but when exploring this colour you will find many different tones. Dark brown, almost black, is one of the colours of the earth. Land is the source of minerals and organic substances that provides sustenance to all living things, and land is the basis of everything that moves on its surface. Placing your bare foot on the earth is a powerful way to bring your consciousness to your physical body and it can tune in with the earth beneath you that will feel like an anchor, which strengthens and maintains.
Healing With the Earth.
Currently, many therapists suggest that there is a centre of energy in the human auric field, the matrix energy that surrounds the human body that connects directly to the dark brown land.
If you are standing on the ground, it is considered that this energy centre is about 18 inches under your feet. If you imagine it and breathe deeply, you can send any feelings of negativity, anxiety or stress, to the earth through this centre, and with deep inspiration can draw strength from the earth into you.
The brown stones and crystals with brown shades are usually seen as rooted, grounded and powerful cleaners and protectors of our environment. They are useful to carry with you or to wear as jewellery, if you're the kind of person who lives more (in your head) that (in your body) scampering and feeling that you are being pulled in all directions. They tranquilize and root and will bring upon you a sense of self.
Examples: Brown Jasper, Petrified Wood, Smoky Quartz, etc.
Jennie Harding
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